Hand-Crafted Black Phoenix Perfume Oil Bottle Top

Aes Ustum
Symbolic of the process of cleansing, and drawing out.
Each piece was hand-crafted individually, and every bottle top is unique. A glass wand dips into the oil from the inside of the bottle top, and they will fit either 5 or 10ml bottles.
Twenty of these silver bottle tops have been made, and due to the time and effort expended in their construction, we regret to announce that they will never be recreated.
These perfume oil bottle tops are exclusive to the Trading Post, and were created by and for Black Phoenix. They cannot be found anywhere else in all of Heaven and Earth.
Each bottle top is $70.00US.
BLACK PHOENIX ALCHEMY LAB, BLACK PHOENIX TRADING POST, BPAL, IMP'S EARS, A LITTLE LUNACY, CARNAVAL DIABOLIQUE and all oil names are trademarks of the Black Phoenix Partnership. All descriptions and original artwork © 2000-2008, Black Phoenix Partnership except for public domain works and Carnaval Diabolique artwork © 2006 Jennifer Williamson. Used with permission, all rights reserved.