Hand-Crafted Black Phoenix Imp Cases
Traveling cases for your imp's ears! Two types are available: hand-poured resin and distressed leather. In hand-poured resin, we have a zoom from Hieronymous Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights and the Seven Deadly Sins. Why? Because Elizabeth has a thing for Bosch. In distressed leather, we present the Triple Dagger and a woodcut, "Witches Dancing on the Sabbath". These imp cases are made from fiendishly durable steel. They fit seven imps side-by-side… eight if you squish ‘em!

Because we at Black Phoenix believe in the joys of safe sex – and lots of it! – we felt we should mention that the imp cases make great condom cases, too, and will fit two prophylactics.
These fiendishly durable steel imp cases are exclusive to the Trading Post, and were created by and for Black Phoenix. They cannot be found anywhere else in all of Heaven and Earth.
The current run for each style of imp case is one dozen pieces. Since each piece is hand-crafted, they will come down temporarily as they sell out in order for us to take the time and care necessary to create more.
2 1/4 x 2 1/4 x 1/2".
Each imp case is $35.00US.
Click on the cases' image to order.

BLACK PHOENIX ALCHEMY LAB, BLACK PHOENIX TRADING POST, BPAL, IMP'S EARS, A LITTLE LUNACY, CARNAVAL DIABOLIQUE and all oil names are trademarks of the Black Phoenix Partnership. All descriptions and original artwork © 2000-2008, Black Phoenix Partnership except for public domain works and Carnaval Diabolique artwork © 2006 Jennifer Williamson. Used with permission, all rights reserved.