Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab Magnets
Stick ‘em on your fridge, your filing cabinet, your lunch box, your car, and your super-sneaky wall safe! Thin, flexible, and full of magnetic goodness. The small ones are 3.5” x 2”, and the large ones are 4.5” x 5”.
The small magnets are $2.00.
The large magnets are $4.00.
Click on the image to order.

BLACK PHOENIX ALCHEMY LAB, BLACK PHOENIX TRADING POST, BPAL, IMP'S EARS, A LITTLE LUNACY, CARNAVAL DIABOLIQUE and all oil names are trademarks of the Black Phoenix Partnership. All descriptions and original artwork © 2000-2008, Black Phoenix Partnership except for public domain works and Carnaval Diabolique artwork © 2006 Jennifer Williamson. Used with permission, all rights reserved.